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06 - Floats

Floats are numbers that have a decimal point.


1.5 // 1.5 : Float
2.0 // 2 : Float

You can also create Float literals by specifying the type directly:

2 : Float // 2 : Float

Floats are stored in special format that save the data with a certain precision. So, the value of the literal could be different from the input value.

-0.1 // -0.100_000_000_000_000_01 : Float 
// The value is VERY close to -0.1
// but NOT exactly the same

Underscores can also be added to Floats for clarity.

1_000_000.0 // One million

Floats support scientific exponential format:

-0.3e+15 // -300_000_000_000_000 : Float

Floats also support hex format with binary exponential format is also supported. You will need to use 0x prefix to tell the compiler that you are using hex format. The exponential prefix here is p instead of e to choose base 2 instead of 10.

-0xFp+10 // = 16 * 2^10 = -15_360 : Float


Floats support arithmetic operators.

1.0 + 1.4 // => 2.399_999_999_999_999_9 : Float
5.0 - 1.5 // => 3.5 : Float
5.0 / 2.0 // => 2.5 : Float
3.0 * 3.1 // => 9.300_000_000_000_000_7 : Float

Floats support comparison.

2.0 > 1.0  // => true
2.0 < 1.0  // => false
2.0 >= 1.0 // => true
2.0 <= 1.0 // => false